Friday, December 30, 2011

This a Chinese website that ships worldwide. Excellent website. Lots of good information, visually pleasing, easy to navigate, fairly responsive e-commerce site.  Excellent selection and reasonable shipping.

On my recent order with them, I ordered my own sampler pack, I ordered several bottles of their on sale 25 ml bottles, about a dozen different 10ml bottles.  Total was $51 with shipping.  Items price were approximately $35.  The package came in three days when website said 7-9 days.  It was shipped via DHL.

Everything came well packaged and no damage to any of the items. 

My only beef with my order was that I order some flavors the same except in different e liquid base, pg, pg-vg mix and vg and there is no way of knowing which is what, Wtf.   When I open the package, the clear, see-thru tape with faint red letterings were very hard to read.  The bottles were not properly marked pg, vg, or mix.....kinda shot down the taste test idea I wanted to perform on different e liquid bases.  Some I ordered different flavor strength if a certain flavor.  Can't tell from bottle what is what.  Kinda pisses me off.  So far it tried to flavored e liquid in pg and it was horrid.  The melon flavor wasn't the worst in the world, just not my taste.  The Mary Jane flavor sucks big time....not even close, it was so horrible I thought I might puke out my lunch.  Don't even bother with this flavor, just get the real thing.

I'll be trying more of the flavors that I received and comparing it to a base standard of my chosing which is Marlboro flavor in pg that you can get from practically any Chinese or American website with e-cigs.

Check out my other blog for taste test results.

Over all I would give it a B-.  They missed the solid A by putting very little thought into presenting their product for retail.  Items should be clearly marked and properly labeled, retail 101 unless of course you don't want people to know. The items were ready for wholesale only, so who ever buys quantity can put their own label on.

This is exactly why this industry needs some good, common sense regulation to stop crap like this.  You can't buy a single food or drug item in this country without proper labeling and neither should e liquid. 

I finally understood what the folks at were trying to tell me about ordering from China.  They warned me and gave me advice on how to order the items but no, I just knew it all.....oooops.

- good customer service
- vast selection of items
- fast, reasonable shipping
- great website

- poorly labeled products
- no ingredient label
- some e liquid taste doesn't taste like it claims
- unsure if they really sent me pg or vg or pg-vg mix e liquid base. they charge more for pg and mixed bases.  Maybe its all pg and they are just laughing their heads off at the stupid, trusting American.  If you doubt you got what you paid for, means either they are trying to scam you or they are doing poor job on presentation.
- the cons really distract from a overall pleasant shopping experience

I'm being nice when give them a B-day overall.  I really want to give them a C- because they made my purchase of different e liquid for taste and vapor test moot.

I have an email to them regarding this matter, we'll see how they solve this problem.

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